Monday, May 21, 2007

Who is to blame?

We are all to blame for this disaster... but to be fair , its our governments who should take the blame because they did not do anything about it until very recently.The reason why politicians did not do anything about this problem is so simple , they believed that global warming was not a real threat , and all the hype about our planet getting warmer was just a conspiracy theory. The thing is that petrol is the biggest business in our human history , and we all know the gases that petrol releases when it burns causes most of the green house gases.
We also contribute to global warming by doing normal day to day chores like driving a car, using more water and electricity than we really need.
Did you know that these items destroy our atmosphere ?
  • some bottled deodorants
  • refrigerator fluid
  • car fumes
  • even water heaters are known to release gases!!

Global What?!

Global warming happens when the temperature of the earth increases due to CO2 , and other pollutants in the atmosphere. What happens to the pollutants that our cars and factories send out is not rocket science, what happens is really simple , when the gases reach the outer layer of the planet it gets stuck in the outer atmosphere , then what happens is called the green house effect.
The reason its called the green house effect , is because it acts in the same way the green houses we use in earth works , when the heat produced by the sun bounces back into space , it gets trapped in the atmosphere by the ever thickening layer of pollutants. And the thicker it gets , the hotter the planet will be! There are many things to do to stop this global mence , but ill go into more detail in the next post.